-Seriously_Amiga- contents
  • -Commercial- - Demos of commercial products go in this drawer, along with patches and updates for the same.
  • Archivers - This is where you'll find the latest file and disk packers and utilities to make them easier to use.
  • CD-ROM - Everything to do with CD-ROMs - players, drivers, collection of song IDs, the lot.
  • Comms - Further subdivided into "Other" and "Web", this drawer contains everything to do with the net or BBSes.
  • Emulation - holds all emulation-related files to make it easier to find them every month.
  • Graphics - Anything to do with making graphics on your Amiga, including 3D models when we have them.
  • GFXCard - Anything related to graphics cards for the Amiga - viewers, drivers, all that sort of thing.
  • Hardware - Bit of a tricky one this. It contains hardware drivers or software related to hardware, things like printer drivers or instructions on how to add an LED gadget to your machine.
  • Misc - contains everything that doesn't fit into one of our other categories. It's a good place to look for text-related tools.
  • Sound - Again, anything for music or samples on your Amiga.
  • Programming - this drawer is always full of good stuff, and it's thanks to it that we had problems with AFCD25. You'll find all manner of items for your favourite programming language herein.
  • Virus - This is where we keep the very latest virus checkers to protect your machine.
  • Workbench - Contains things like commodities and general Workbench utilities. Also contains two sub-directories with Opus and Datatypes stuff.